YAMS only needs a few things to get started:
(because we’re responsible adults 😎)sudo apt update
and sudo apt upgrade
without errorswhich docker
. If you see:$ which docker
Don’t worry if you don’t have docker
and docker-compose
installed - the script can handle that for you on Debian and Ubuntu!
Before we dive in, make sure you have:
The script defaults to /opt/yams
but you can use any location as long as your user has write permissions. If you want to use the default location (recommended), set it up like this:
sudo mkdir -p /opt/yams
sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /opt/yams
This is where all your content will live. For example, if you pick /srv/media
, the script will create:
: For your TV shows/srv/media/movies
: For your movies/srv/media/music
: For your music library/srv/media/books
: For your ebook collection/srv/media/downloads
: For your downloads/srv/media/blackhole
: For your torrent blackhole directoryroot
(I mean it! 😅)Make sure you can run docker
without sudo
! Try this:
docker run hello-world
If it fails, you might need to add your user to the docker group. Follow Docker’s post-installation steps or check our Common docker permission errors page.
First, let’s grab a fresh copy of YAMS and put it in a temporary location (we like to keep things tidy!):
git clone --depth=1 https://gitlab.com/rogs/yams.git /tmp/yams
cd /tmp/yams
bash install.sh
You’ll see this welcome screen:
___ ___ ___
___ / /\ /__/\ / /\
/__/| / /::\ | |::\ / /:/_
| |:| / /:/\:\ | |:|:\ / /:/ /\
| |:| / /:/~/::\ __|__|:|\:\ / /:/ /::\
__|__|:| /__/:/ /:/\:\ /__/::::| \:\ /__/:/ /:/\:\
/__/::::\ \ \:\/:/__\/ \ \:\~~\__\/ \ \:\/:/~/:/
~\~~\:\ \ \::/ \ \:\ \ \::/ /:/
\ \:\ \ \:\ \ \:\ \__\/ /:/
\__\/ \ \:\ \ \:\ /__/:/
\__\/ \__\/ \__\/
Welcome to YAMS (Yet Another Media Server)
Installation process should be really quick
We just need you to answer some questions
The installer will first check for Docker:
Checking prerequisites...
⚠️ Docker not found! ⚠️
Do you want YAMS to install docker and docker-compose? IT ONLY WORKS ON DEBIAN AND UBUNTU! [y/N]: y
If you don’t have Docker installed:
and press Enter to let YAMS handle the Docker installationIf you already have Docker:
Where do you want to install the docker-compose file? [/opt/yams]:
(recommended)What's the user that is going to own the media server files? [your_current_user]:
!Please, input your media directory [/srv/media]:
Then confirm your choice:
Are you sure your media directory is "/srv/media"? [y/N]:
and press Enter if the path is correctn
or press Enter to go back and change itTime to choose your media service.
Your media service is responsible for serving your files to your network.
Supported media services:
- jellyfin (recommended, easier)
- emby
- plex (advanced, always online)
Choose your media service [jellyfin]:
Pick your streaming service:
for Embyplex
for PlexEach service has its strengths:
Time to set up the VPN.
Supported VPN providers: https://yams.media/advanced/vpn
Configure VPN? (Y/n) [Default = y]:
If you want to use a VPN (strongly recommended):
Press Enter or type y
to configure VPN
Enter your VPN provider:
VPN service? (with spaces) [protonvpn]:
The installer will show you where to find the setup documentation:
Please check protonvpn's documentation for specific configuration:
Make sure to check this documentation - it will help you avoid common setup issues!
If you are using ProtonVPN:
Configure port forwarding:
Port forwarding allows for better connectivity in certain applications.
However, not all VPN providers support this feature.
Please check your VPN provider's documentation to see if they support port forwarding.
Enable port forwarding? (y/N) [Default = n]:
Enter your credentials:
VPN username (without spaces):
VPN password:
Special notes:
for port forwardingIf you don’t want to configure VPN now:
and press EnterAfter you’ve answered all the questions, you’ll see:
Copying docker-compose.example.yaml to /opt/yams/docker-compose.yaml...
docker-compose.example.yaml was copied successfuly! ✅
Copying .env.example to /opt/yams/.env...
.env.example was copied successfuly! ✅
Copying docker-compose.custom.yaml to /opt/yams/docker-compose.custom.yaml...
docker-compose.custom.yaml was copied successfuly! ✅
Everything installed correctly! 🎉
Running the server...
This is going to take a while...
The installer will now:
You’ll then see:
We need your sudo password to install the YAMS CLI and configure permissions...
Enter your sudo password to:
If everything works, you’ll see these success messages:
YAMS CLI installed successfully ✅
Media directory ownership and permissions set successfully ✅
Install directory ownership and permissions set successfully ✅
Configuration folder "/opt/yams/config" exists ✅
Configuration folder ownership and permissions set successfully ✅
When everything’s done, you’ll see this awesome ASCII art:
_____ ___ ___ ___
/ /::\ / /\ /__/\ / /\
/ /:/\:\ / /::\ \ \:\ / /:/_
/ /:/ \:\ / /:/\:\ \ \:\ / /:/ /\
/__/:/ \__\:| / /:/ \:\ _____\__\:\ / /:/ /:/_
\ \:\ / /:/ /__/:/ \__\:\ /__/::::::::\ /__/:/ /:/ /\
\ \:\ /:/ \ \:\ / /:/ \ \:\~~\~~\/ \ \:\/:/ /:/
\ \:\/:/ \ \:\ /:/ \ \:\ ~~~ \ \::/ /:/
\ \::/ \ \:\/:/ \ \:\ \ \:\/:/
\__\/ \ \::/ \ \:\ \ \::/
\__\/ \__\/ \__\/
Following this, you’ll get a list of all your service URLs:
Service URLs:
qBittorrent: http://your.ip.address:8081/
SABnzbd: http://your.ip.address:8080/
Radarr: http://your.ip.address:7878/
Sonarr: http://your.ip.address:8989/
Lidarr: http://your.ip.address:8686/
Readarr: http://your.ip.address:8787/
Prowlarr: http://your.ip.address:9696/
Bazarr: http://your.ip.address:6767/
Media Service: http://your.ip.address:8096/
Portainer: http://your.ip.address:9000/
Don’t worry about memorizing these - they’re saved in ~/yams_services.txt
for easy reference!
First Start Time
VPN Check If you configured a VPN, verify it’s working:
yams check-vpn
You should see different IPs for your system and qBittorrent.
Time to configure your new media server! Head over to Configuration and follow these guides in order:
Need help? We’ve got your back!